Xenocs BioXolver

Until now, SAXS measurements on biological samples were limited to synchrotron facilities or low throughput laboratory setups requiring large sample volumes. The BioXolver with its unique features overcomes these limitations.

High quality SAXS data in the lab

Measurements previously only possible at synchrotron facilities can now be done in the lab.

With the BioXolver you get:

  • Excellent data suitable for modelling and publications.
  • Precision determination of key structural parameters.
  • Structural information of proteins in solutions on a daily basis as complementary information to other characterization techniques.

Due to weak scattering from biological samples, high quality SAXS measurements require an instrument optimized for maximum X-ray intensity and lowest possible background noise. The BioXolver offers a unique combination of both capability in particular with:

  • High brightness sources coupled to latest generation 2D multilayer optics.
  • In-vacuum photon counting detectors with beamstop-less data acquisition.
  • Clean Beam Technology reducing parasitic scattering to its lowest levels.

High throughput measurements and results

Full automation from sample to final results on up to 192 samples.

With the BioXolver standard well plates can be loaded & measured automatically using in-line pipetting robot & automated software suite for high user benefits.

  • More samples can be run
  • Short sample-to-sample cycle time
  • Reproducibility of your measurement is insured

Low sample volume consumption

Down to 5μL. The lowest sample consumption on the market.

High precision positioning of small sample volumes is ensured by the conjunction of an in-line pipetting robot and the BioCUBE, an advanced capillary flow cell, coupled to machine vision for sample monitoring.

Such low total consumption per sample condition or concentration is highly beneficial for biostructural research.

  • Less precious sample is needed.
  • More experiments can be performed from the same preparation volume.

In-line SEC and UV-Vis combined with SAXS – also in the lab!

Obtain the structure of small and large protein species through in-line gel filtration.

Sample size separation using size-exclusion chromatography in combination with the BioXolver can not only be used to ensure clean monodisperse samples, but also facilitates research on structurally heterogeneous & aggregation-prone multi-domain proteins as well as heterogeneous protein complexes in dynamic equilibria.

Discovering macromolecular shape and interactions

Using Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the BioXolver collects structural information on biological samples.The BioXolver can obtain key structural parameters, such as:

  • radius of gyration
  • molecular weight
  • maximum intra-particle distance
  • degree of folding
  • low-resolution 3D protein shape.
BioXolver configurations BioXolver BioXolver L
Utilisation Research on biological macro-molecules in solution Research on biological macro-molecules, including large complexes and interactions
X-ray source Microfocus GeniX 3D, MetalJet, add-on to RAG
Optic Aspheric single reflection multilayer optic
Collimation Motorized scatterless point collimation
Sample cell Xenocs thermalized BioCube flow-cell with camera and pump
Sample handling Pipetting robot with disposable tips
Sample capacity Up to 2 x 96 well plates (thermalized)
Minimum sample volume Down to 5 μL
Cleaning Automated cleaning and drying with three cleaning fluids
Detector Dectris in-vacuum hybrid pixel photon counting detector
Detector configuration Fixed detector distance Variable detector distance
Data reduction and analysis software RAW and ATSAS
Q-range and typical protein size* 0.006 Å-1 / MW < 200 MDa / Rg < 135 Å 0.003 Å-1 / MW < 1.5 GDa / Rg < 270 Å
Overall length 3.2 m (2.7 m as add-on to existing source) 4.2 m
Options UV-Vis, separate temperature control for sample trays and BioCube
Services Installation, training, hot-line, maintenance contract
  • Low noise flow cell
    For liquid samples, especially useful for dilute or low scattering samples.
  • Capillary flow cell
    For liquid samples.
  • Autosampler for liquids
    For automatic and high precision liquid sample injection in the flow cells (using tubing connections).
  • BioCube
    Measurement cell for low sample volume solution scattering with machine vision assisted sample positioning.
  • BioXolver pipetting robot
    Robot for use with BioCube.
  • Gel and powder capsule holder
    For powders and gels, also suitable for liquids.
  • GISAXS sample holder
    For studying nanostructured surfaces and thin films.